Secure Online Desktop Srl is able to create web projects tailored to the customer’s needs, building a project completely from scratch or by modifying an existing one.
At the request of many customers over the years, numerous
web forum projects have been created in order to import a forum in the private area (in the reserved area a discussion forum is set up that will use the same authentication as the ‘user on the site so that the latter does not have to enter the password again) or publishes the customer’s website in order to favor collaboration between internal resources (in the case of an intranet forum) or between users of the portal (in the case of public forums).
The Forum is the tool to allow users to interact in themed discussions and share opinions and electronic information of all kinds (documents, videos, etc.). They can be highly customized in order to adapt to the specific needs of each customer. The customizations can be both graphic and functional and it is possible to add external components (eg login modules for strong authentication, captcha modules, etc.) to expand their functionality and to possibly connect to existing company systems (eg LDAP, Active Directory , etc).
They are usually structured at levels:
The thematic discussion areas are called Threads (eg. Assistance, Systems, Development), the individual discussions are called “posts” (eg. “Email configuration”, or “Excel, company policy”)
Structure example:
Thread «Assistance»
Discussion A
Discussion B
Discussion C
Thread «Systems»
Discussion D
Discussion E
Settings such as forum user permissions can be configured as needed such as:
♦ Each user, previously entered in the system, will be assigned to one or more threads and will not have access to unassigned threads.
♦ Each user can create her posts and only he can edit them.
♦ Other users will only be able to comment on their own.
During the setting phase some standard settings can be defined, such as (for example)
♦ e-mail notification;
♦ User levels and permissions;
♦ Activation / deactivation of emoticons;
♦ Numerous other features that can be changed in real time, even during construction.
The Forum also has different roles ranging from the administrator (with all permissions) to the moderators (with permissions on individual threads).
Section: Forum
♦ In the forum section, users will participate in discussions.
♦ Each
Thread (eg “Purchases”, “IT”, “Journalists”, etc.) will be accessible only to users belonging to the dedicated group.
Forum / Insights
♦ A forum has as its objective the active and thematic discussion among registered users.
♦ The admin configures it by creating:
◊ The
Thread and defining the groups of users who can access them.
◊ Forum policies (notifications, permissions, file uploads).
◊ The roles:
◊ In addition to the admin, the forum can provide moderators for each Thread, which have higher permissions than users, for the management of individual threads and connected posts.
◊ The forum also features a 1-1 (one-to-one) private messaging system, where two users can subscribe privately.
The following are included in a web forum development project:
♦ Full responsive layout.
♦ Check functionality.
♦ Final testing and putting online.
♦ Free assistance and warranty for 12 months: includes bug fixing and technical assistance not related to the use of the forum features.